DSS 2.0 – Supporting Decision Making With New Technologies

The new book DSS 2.0 – Supporting Decision Making With New Technologies presents the proceedings of the IFIP TC8/Working Group 8.3 conference held in Paris, France, in June this year.
Advances in technology have resulted in new and advanced methods to support decision-making. For example, artificial intelligence has enabled people to make better decisions through the use of Intelligent Decision Support Systems (DSS). Emerging research in DSS demonstrates that decision makers can operate in a more timely manner using real-time data, more accurately due to data mining and 'big data' methods, more strategically by considering a greater number of factors, more precisely and inclusively due to the availability of social networking data, and with a wider media reach with video and audio technology. The topics in the book include theoretical, empirical and design science research; case-based approaches in decision support systems; decision models in the real-world; healthcare information technology; decision making theory; knowledge management; knowledge and resource discovery; business intelligence; group decision support systems; collaborative decision making; analytics and ‘big data’; rich language for decision support; multimedia tools for DSS; Web 2.0 systems in decision support; context-based technologies for decision making; intelligent systems and technologies in decision support; organizational decision support; research methods in DSS 2.0; mobile DSS; competing on analytics; and social media analytics.

More Information on the book is available at http://www.iospress.nl/book/dss-2-0-supporting-decision-making-with-new-...

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