Special issue "DSS for Sustainable Forest Management" published

The Conference FORSYS 2013 Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Forest Management in Umeå, Sweden provided a worldwide quality reference for development and application of advanced computerized tools to support forest management and policy analysis. Its program encompassed 48 presentations and it involved 98 participants from 32 countries - an original synthesis of multidisciplinary research efforts – developed under the COST Action FP0804 (FORSYS Forest Management DSS).

This Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research special issue – DSS for Sustainable Forest Management – conveys findings presented at the conference.

A review focuses on the development of DSS for Forest Management and its past, current, and future drivers, while another discusses the potential of combining decision support tools to enhance management planning processes. Two subsequent research papers highlight the FORSYS approach to develop and use a semantic wiki to characterize Forest Management DSS.

A set of 16 papers addresses topics that include the enhancement of management planning and policy analysis processes with DSS, the development and use of DSS, the models, methods as well as knowledge management and participatory techniques used to support decisionmaking
in DSS. The structure of this issue thus emulates the FORSYS scientific program to attempt to provide readers with important contributions to each component of Forest Management DSS.

Please check out the publications of the special issue in the Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research

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