Survey - Identification of existing forest Decision Support Systems

Are you concerned about the future of our forests? Do you want to contribute to the advancement of Integrative Forest Management (IFM) and biodiversity conservation? If so, we TRANSFORMERS researchers invite you to take part in an important survey aimed at identifying existing forest Decision Support Systems (DSS) worldwide. This survey is part of the ongoing Horizon Europe-funded TRANSFORMIT Project, led by the European Forest Institute (EFI) and involving 16 institutions from 12 countries. The project  aims to transform forest management for multiple ecosystem services and nature conservation through an integrative approach.

Why Your Input matters?

DSS play a crucial role in shaping forest management practices. By understanding the landscape of existing DSS tools, we can enhance collaboration, learning, and the effectiveness of IFM strategies. Your input will help us update the outdated repository of DSS, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art tools worldwide.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

By participating in this survey, you become part of a community dedicated to advancing the sustainable management of our forests. Together, we can drive positive change and ensure the preservation of our natural ecosystems for generations to come. Thank you for your valuable contribution to the TRANSFORMIT Project. Let’s transform forest management together!

Link to the survey:

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