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General System description

System name: Heureka PlanWise

Brief overview

PlanWise is an application of the Heureka system for long term forestry planning, including both strategic and tactical planning. PlanWise can be considered a problem solver that helps you find solutions to problems of the type 'What to do and when?".

The application can handle full cover geographical analysis which gives the basic conditions for spatial forestry planning, enabling the consideration of landscape patterns and concentration of treatments. It also gives a better connection to short term operational planning.

The application includes two main components, a growth-and-yield simulator and an optimizer.

The simulator is called the Treatment Program Generator (TPG). The TPG computes alternative treatment programs for each treatment unit (stand) in a given forest area.

The optimizer is called Heureka Optimization Programming System (HOPS). It is used to formulate and solve linear programming and mixed-integer programming problems for choosing between optional treatment programs. Another component is a map viewer for visualization of forest development and management under different plans, or scenarios.

Scope of the system

This tool encourages decision maker to discover new problems or opportunities by exposing to new information or results

Support for specific thematic areas of a problem type

Provides support for...

This system uses ...

Related systems

Data and data models


Decision Support

PlanWise has an in-built optimization tool, based on the optimization modeling language ZIMPL.


System requirements


The system is used in ...



External resources