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General System description

System name: inFlor

Brief overview

InFlor is a management information system that stores information from a set of databases (industrial and academic) integrating all forest based data in a common structure. inFlor includes basic geographic visualization tools as well as detailed biometric and climatic data from sample plots covering the full mainland Portugal. This system has been designed with two basic objectives

  1. Provide a simple framework to consult and access the forest information available
  2. Provide data access to the prescription writer SAGfLOR

Scope of the system

The system aim to help in the execution of future forest inventories and the homogenization of the existing ones. It also allows edition in order to face upcoming information that was not foreseen to be inventoried.

System origin

  • It was developed by Carla Miragaia, José Guilherme Borges, André Falcão and Margarida Tomé
  • free/commercial product?
  • It has been tried in Portugal and in a Brazilian estate (free available in pdf).

Support for specific issues

It has only been developed in order to help in the management of Portuguese forest inventories

Support for specific thematic areas of a problem type

  • Silvicultural
  • Certification
  • Conservation
  • Development choices / land use zoning
  • Policy/intervention alternatives
  • Sustainability impact assessment (SIA)

Related systems

Data and data models

Typical spatial extent of application

The inventory data acquisition is taken at a inventory plot level.

Forest data input

The required data is initially classified between property, geographic, occupation, soil, climate and inventory data. Inside these sections the data is very diverse.


System requirements

  • Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows OS
  • It uses in his work environment MS Access and MapObjects LT, former as BBDD manager and latter in the GIS tool integration.
  • Development status: finished

Architecture and major DSS components

Describe the basic architecture of the system in software and hardware. Desktop client-server, web based, as well as the integration with available systems. Basic data flow, focusing on retrieval of required input and propagation and implementations of decisions. Mention its modular and scalability capabilities.


Describe the level of use: Research level use, Industry use, Government use

Computational limitations

Describe the system limitations: e.g. number of management units, number of vehicles, time horizon

User interface

Describe the quality of user interface and the Prerequisite knowledge for using the system

Documentation and support

Describe the connection to Help-system and possibilities for assistance, as well as the required training and user support levels


  • Prerequisite knowledge: Level of effort to become functional
  • Cost: (purchase price, development costs, demonstrated return on investment, cost of use, training costs, licence and maintenance costs)
  • Demo: allows the download/utilization of a trial version. If yes, where is it available and what are the trial conditions.


External resources