Property:Uncertainty evaluation

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This is a property of type String.

Approaches in communicating the uncertainty: uncertainty not considered, conventional approaches to statistics where the scientific uncertainty is considered as the frequentist probability, i.e. the chance of some observable event occuring if some particular hypothesis is assumed to be true and if the experiment was to be repeated indefinetely (or frequently), Monte Carlo simulations and bootstraping (use Frequentist statistical framework and interprets the distributions as sampling distributions for the estimates obtained and not as probability distributions for the actual quantities uderlying the estimates), Bayesian inference (conveys a strength of belief in a number between 0 and 1 or weight of evidence for some particular conjecture or hypothesis, e.g. Expectation maximisation (EM) algorithm

The allowed values for this property are:

  • N/A
  • frequentist statistics
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • fuzzy Logic