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Has full name
SADfLOR - A Web-Based Forest and Natural Resources Decision Support System
Has acronym
SADfLOR web-based
Has wiki contact person
Jose Guilherme Borges
Has wiki contact e-mail
Software identification
Has description
SADfLOR is a complete decision support system (DSS) that integrates an information system, a supply driven stand level forest simulator and several optimization tools to support forest management planning.
Has modelling scope
Economical indicators, Forest indicators, Social indicators, Climate change, Contribution to forest certification
Has temporal scale
Long term (strategic)
Has spatial context
Non spatial
Has spatial scale
Forest level, Regional/national level, Stand level
Has objectives dimension
Multiple objectives
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension
Market non-wood products, Market wood products
Has decision making dimension
More than one decision maker/stakeholder, Single decision maker
Has forest management goal
biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, climate change impact, economic evaluation, silvicultural regime, species selection, yield prediction, wood supply planning
Supports tree species
Eucalyptus, Maritime pine, Stone pine
Supports silvicultural regime
even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation, coppice system
Concrete application
Has typical use case
Forest Management Plans, Research
Has user profile
Non-industrial private owners, forest owners associations, private legal entities (cooperatives / corporations / trusts / partnerships / condominium associations), commons, public land managers (i.e. state-owned / federal / cantonal / communal forests), national forest administration, other
Has country
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users
Has number of real-life applications
Has utilisation in education
Has research project reference
INTEGRAL: Future-oriented Integrated Management of European Forest Landscapes.
MOTIVE: Models for Adaptive Forest Management.
AFORE: Forest Biorefineries – added value from chemicals and polymers by new integrated separation, fractionation and upgrading technologies.
EFORWOOD: Tools for Sustainability Impact Assessment of the Forestry-Wood Chain.
SADRI: Models and Decision Support Systems for Addressing Risk and Uncertainty in Forest Planning (SADRI) - PTDC/AGR-FOR/4526/2012 - funded by the Port
Has tool dissemination
Decision Support System Workshop and ForestDSS Community of Practice:
Decision support techniques used in the DSS
Support of Knowledge Management
Support of social participation
DSS development
Has website
Has online demo
Has manual
Has technical documentation
Has reference
Barreiro, S., J. Garcia-Gonzalo, J. G. Borges, M. Tomé and S.Marques 2013. SADfLOR Tutorial. A Web-based Forest and Natural Resources Decision Support System (Work in progress), FORCHANGE, ISA, Lisboa, 39 p.
Miragaia, C. 1998 – "Manual de INfLOR" Documento Nº 1 do Grupo de Economia e Gestão de Recursos Florestais (GEGREF) do Departamento de Engenharia Florestal. Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Lisboa
Non-wood forest products
SADfLOR is a complete decision support system (DSS) that integrates an information system, a supply driven stand level forest simulator and several optimization tools to support forest management planning:
a) A forest management database - INfLOR - that characterizes the forest areas to be considered for simulation (Miragaia 1998). The set of forest stands to be simulated is defined through an implicit query triggered as the study area is selected.
b) A platform for the definition of the forest management alternatives/prescriptions for the main tree species in Portugal that represent the base for the simulation of forest management alternatives.
c) A prescription driven stand level forest simulator – StandSim – that integrates a set of different forest growth and yield models for the most important Portuguese tree species allowing the growth simulation under different user-defined management scenarios (Tomé et al 2013). Simulation results are of two types:
- Detailed characterization of stands’ growth and yield for the planning horizon;
- Essential information required to run the decision models.
d) An optimization module that encapsulates exact mathematical techniques (Mixed Integer programming, Linear Programing and Goal programming) and Heuristics. The model generator reads outputs from the stand simulator (e.g. harvest volumes) and financial data from the management information module (i.e. interest rate, prices and costs) and creates the coefficients for all needed equations in the problem formulation. Interface with the user is provided through input forms that allow for the specification of the objective function and constraints that define the management problem. Links with external solvers (i.e. commercial software CPLEX and the freeware GLPK) are programmed in the optimisation module in order to solve the mathematical models. Alternatively the system may use a metaheuristic to solve the problem without need to use any external solver.
e) A solution report module allows the user to analyse results in different formats (e.g. tables, graphs and maps).
f) A graphical user interface to support and guide the access to all modules of the DSS.