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Integrate+ software for virtual training exercises in forest stands
Has acronym
I +software
Has wiki contact person
Isidora Dabic
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Software identification
Has description
Marteloscopes with I+ software allows forest practitioners, decision makers, scientists to discuss management strategies and consequences on site.
Forests are asked to provide a multitude of ecosystem services and forest managers need to ensure in their daily work these are well balanced. This is a demanding task and requires best available knowledge and continuous training. To serve such needs the software package ‘I+’ was developed jointly by research and software developers and tested by practitioners. It runs on handheld devices and is used for training exercises in designated forest sites, so called marteloscopes. I+ allows to perform virtual tree selections and directly displays the outcomes of silvicultural interventions on site. Having intervention results readily available stimulatesfactbased interaction and discussion among exercise participants. The software is currently tailored to address impacts and trade-offs of biodiversity conservation in commercially managed forests.
Due to its modular design, it can easily be expanded to cover other highly relevant forest management topics such as carbon balancing. Through data export functions, exercise results can be utilized in more sophisticated tools such as forest growth simulators. The paper presents the key parameters used for training and the corresponding software solution. The I+ software components are then illustrated along examples. The software is freely available for download at the ‘Iplus’ website.
Has modelling scope
Has temporal scale
Has spatial context
Has spatial scale
Has objectives dimension
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension
Has decision making dimension
Has forest management goal
Supports tree species
Supports silvicultural regime
Concrete application
Has typical use case
Has user profile
Has country
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users
Has number of real-life applications
Has utilisation in education
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination
Decision support techniques used in the DSS
Support of Knowledge Management
Support of social participation
DSS development