WebbetriebsplanerPro / BWINPro ForestSimulator
From forestDSS
Wiki quality control
Has flag | N/A |
Name, responsible organisation and contact person
Has full name | WebbetriebsplanerPro / BWINPro ForestSimulator |
Has acronym | BWINPro ForestSimulator |
Has wiki contact person | |
Has wiki contact e-mail |
Software identification
Has software | WebbetriebsplanerPro / BWINPro ForestSimulator.Software |
Has description | Empirical growth & Yield model |
Has modelling scope | Forest indicators |
Has temporal scale | Long term (strategic) |
Has spatial context | |
Has spatial scale | Stand level |
Has objectives dimension | Multiple objectives |
Has related DSS | |
Has goods and services dimension | |
Has decision making dimension | |
Has forest management goal | silvicultural regime |
Supports tree species | |
Supports silvicultural regime | user defined |
Concrete application
Has typical use case | |
Has user profile | forest owners associations |
Has country | Germany |
Has references about examples of application | |
Has number of users | N/A |
Has number of real-life applications | N/A |
Has utilisation in education | N/A |
Has research project reference | |
Has tool dissemination |
Decision support techniques used in the DSS
Has decision support techniques | WebbetriebsplanerPro / BWINPro ForestSimulator.Decision support techniques |
Support of Knowledge Management
Has knowledge management processes | WebbetriebsplanerPro / BWINPro ForestSimulator.Knowledge management process |
Support of social participation
Has support for social participation | WebbetriebsplanerPro / BWINPro ForestSimulator.Support of social participation |
DSS development
Has DSS development | WebbetriebsplanerPro / BWINPro ForestSimulator.Description of DSS development |
Has website | http://www.nw-fva.de/index.php?id=194#c524 https://www.nw-fva.de/WBPro3/ |
Has online demo | |
Has manual | No |
Has technical documentation | No |
Has reference | Schröder, J. (2004). Zur Modellierung von Wachstum und Konkurrenz in Kiefern, Buchen-Waldumbaubeständen Nordwestsachsens. Ulmer., Schröder, J., Röhle, H., Gerold, D., & Münder, K. (2007). Modeling individual-tree growth in stands under forest conversion in East Germany. European Journal of Forest Research, 126, 459-472., Yousefpour, R., Hanewinkel, M., & Le Moguedec, G. (2010). Evaluation of biodiversity for multi-purpose forest management using a non-linear optimization approach. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 8(3), 241-260., Yousefpour, R., & Hanewinkel, M. (2014). Balancing decisions for adaptive and multipurpose conversion of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) monocultures in the Black Forest area of Germany. Forest Science, 60(1), 73-84. |