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The ForestDSS CoP organizes knowledge about the construction and use of forest Decision Support Systems (DSS) for promoting sustainable forest management. The members of the ForestDSS CoP are individuals from research, public bodies, business and NGOs with an interest in the promotion of forest DSSs. Community membership is defined by the willingness to share knowledge with other members and the level of engagement by the individual. The ForestDSS CoP is aiming to

  • provide mapping of ongoing research activities in the field of decision support;
  • improve coordination between relevant fields of research (modelling, decision analysis, adaptation to climate change, IT, social sciences);
  • achieve critical mass and ensure better use of limited resources in developing DSS;
  • share good practices in implementing research projects focusing on DSS;
  • share lessons learned from the development and use of forest DSS;
  • establish a network of research activities carried out at national and regional level for supporting the network;
  • promote transnational collaborations and new knowledge generation and innovation by hosting the ongoing activities (e.g. Semantic Media WIKI; case studies, lessons learned);
  • provide training for interested researchers and a forum for knowledge exchange (e.g. workshops, summer schools, webinars);
  • support actions for rising funding to support collaboration by various means (e.g. projects, exchange programs, networks).

The details about the modalities of work and the organisation of the CoP can be found on the ForestDSS portal and in the Memorandum of Understanding - MoU.