Threats and challenges for increased forest-based carbon removals in different case studies: an analysis by OptFor-EU

11.23.2024 |
Orieta Hulea's picture
This new report presents a comprehensive analysis of both qualitative and quantitative data collected from case study areas (CSAs) within the OptFor-EU project, focusing on stakeholders’ perceptions regarding climate change (CC), forest management practices (FMP), and policy and governance barriers. The analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data reveals that most stakeholders believe their organizations’ institutional frameworks align well with current climate mitigation goals. However, they emphasize the need for increased resources and funding for climate mitigation efforts. Regarding FMP, stakeholders prioritize forestry management knowledge and consider information on forest management crucial for their institutions. Additionally, they highlight the importance of enhancing forest resilience through biodiversity and strategies that boost forest carbon sinks. Key threats and challenges identified by stakeholders include language barriers, data validity, accessibility and variability across countries, economic and financial constraints, governance and policy issues, social and cultural barriers, and the need for greater awareness and education about the importance of climate protection in forestry. >> More information on >> Follow us @OptForEU