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Wiki quality control

Has flag N/A

Name, responsible organisation and contact person

Has full name Carbon, Aqua, Fire & Eco-resilience Decision Support System
Has acronym CAFE
Has wiki contact person
Has wiki contact e-mail

Software identification

Has software CAFE.Software


Has description Careful and data-driven forest management is an effective way to prevent wildfires, improve soil water recharge and reduce drought risk.

In this infographic you can see how the Forest Management approach developed in our project works. The main tool is a Decision Support System (DSS tool) which allows forest managers to select their objectives and choose the optimum approach to reach them. When it comes to thinning the wood, the DSS tool can provide forest managers with precise information on how much do you have to cut the trees, when, where and which trees should be cut. This information is optimized according to the objectives selected in the first place.

Has modelling scope
Has temporal scale Short term (operational)
Has spatial context
Has spatial scale
Has objectives dimension
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension Market wood products
Has decision making dimension
Has forest management goal biomass estimation, fire behaviour, groundwater recharge, natural hazards, silvicultural regime, wood supply planning
Supports tree species
Supports silvicultural regime

Concrete application

Has typical use case
Has user profile forest owners associations, public land managers (i.e. state-owned / federal / cantonal / communal forests)
Has country
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users N/A
Has number of real-life applications N/A
Has utilisation in education N/A
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination

Decision support techniques used in the DSS

Has decision support techniques CAFE.Decision support techniques

Support of Knowledge Management

Has knowledge management processes CAFE.Knowledge management process

Support of social participation

Has support for social participation CAFE.Support of social participation

DSS development

Has DSS development CAFE.Description of DSS development


Has website
Has online demo
Has manual No
Has technical documentation No
Has reference