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Wiki quality control

Has flag N/A

Name, responsible organisation and contact person

Has full name A process-based model that evaluates the effects of climate change on forests and explores forest management options for its mitigation
Has acronym GOTILWA+
Has wiki contact person Carlos A. Gracia and Sabaté S.
Has wiki contact e-mail; santi.sabate@uab.esURIs of the form ";" are not allowed.

Software identification

Has software GOTILWA+.Software


Has description GOTILWA+ is a mechanistic deterministic forest growth model that has been

implemented to simulate the forest growth processes and to explore how these processes are influenced by climate, tree stand structure, management techniques, soil properties and climate change. GOTILWA+ is an improved version of GOTILWA. GOTILWA+ has been used to explore: the responses of different forest types to water availability, especially in the Mediterranean and other arid or sub arid zones, the effects of Global Change on the forest dynamics, production and Carbon fluxes, as well as the effects of different forest management techniques on the Carbon stocks and fluxes. Nevertheless, the model is general enough to be applied to other forest types. Some applications to Loobos (The Netherlands, temperate Scots pine forest), Hyytiala (Finland, boreal Scots pine forest), Bray (France, temperate Maritime pine forest) have been made. It can be applied to all tree species, deciduous or evergreen, in all regions, boreal, temperate or Mediterranean. With monospecific tree communities.

Has modelling scope
Has temporal scale
Has spatial context
Has spatial scale
Has objectives dimension
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension
Has decision making dimension
Has forest management goal
Supports tree species
Supports silvicultural regime

Concrete application

Has typical use case
Has user profile
Has country Spain
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users N/A
Has number of real-life applications N/A
Has utilisation in education N/A
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination

Decision support techniques used in the DSS

Has decision support techniques GOTILWA+.Decision support techniques

Support of Knowledge Management

Has knowledge management processes GOTILWA+.Knowledge management process

Support of social participation

Has support for social participation GOTILWA+.Support of social participation

DSS development

Has DSS development GOTILWA+.Description of DSS development


Has website
Has online demo
Has manual No
Has technical documentation No
Has reference