From forestDSS
Wiki quality control
Has flag | N/A |
Name, responsible organisation and contact person
Has full name | Sistema de Planeación Forestal para Bosque Templado (SiPlaFor) |
Has acronym | SiPlaFor |
Has wiki contact person | |
Has wiki contact e-mail | |
Software identification
Has software | SiPlaFor.Software |
Has description | SiPlaFor is a free access system designed to run over the internet and support the decision-making process in the development and implementation of sustainable forest management programs in Mexico's temperate forests. It was developed in 2013, through an initiative of the forestry sector of the state of Durango (foresters, forestry technicians, academia, and government)
The software is the property of CONAFOR and its development and updating is the responsibility of the Juárez University of the State of Durango. Its responsible use allows decision makers to develop flexible forest management programs based on the best information available. Currently, the system has integrated maps of the states of Durango, Chihuahua, Oaxaca, Jalisco, Puebla, and Guerrero, however, it is possible to process field information and complete management programs in all states of the republic. |
Has modelling scope | |
Has temporal scale | |
Has spatial context | |
Has spatial scale | |
Has objectives dimension | |
Has related DSS | |
Has goods and services dimension | |
Has decision making dimension | |
Has forest management goal | |
Supports tree species | |
Supports silvicultural regime |
Concrete application
Has typical use case | |
Has user profile | |
Has country | Mexico |
Has references about examples of application | |
Has number of users | N/A |
Has number of real-life applications | N/A |
Has utilisation in education | N/A |
Has research project reference | |
Has tool dissemination |
Decision support techniques used in the DSS
Has decision support techniques | SiPlaFor.Decision support techniques |
Support of Knowledge Management
Has knowledge management processes | SiPlaFor.Knowledge management process |
Support of social participation
Has support for social participation | SiPlaFor.Support of social participation |
DSS development
Has DSS development | SiPlaFor.Description of DSS development |
Has website | |
Has online demo | |
Has manual | No |
Has technical documentation | No |
Has reference | |