Has description
ToSIA has been developed by EFI since 2006.
Has modelling scope
Economical indicators, Forest indicators, Ecological indicators, Social indicators, user defined
Has temporal scale
Long term (strategic), Medium term (tactical), Short term (operational)
Has spatial context
Non spatial
Has spatial scale
Regional/national level, Forest level, stand level
Has objectives dimension
Single objective, Multiple objectives
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension
Market non-wood products, Market wood products, Market services, Non-market services
Has decision making dimension
Single decision maker, More than one decision maker/stakeholder
Has forest management goal
multi-functional, user defined
Supports tree species
Supports silvicultural regime
even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation, coppice system, agroforestry, user defined
Has typical use case
any baseline-scenario case
Has user profile
Has country
Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users
Has number of real-life applications
Has utilisation in education
used by students
Has research project reference
Has tool dissemination
TMUG - ToSIA Management and User group