Has description
YAFO is a planning-support tool for the development of management plans under uncertainty focusing on the forest enterprise level. Based on existing stand data, the software provides the calculation of management scenarios (felling plans) for single stands that are optimized with respect to financial considerations and ecological constraints. Under these constraints, YAFO predicts timber stocks, harvest amounts and financial returns for each simulation period.
Has modelling scope
Economical indicators, Forest indicators, Ecological indicators
Has temporal scale
Long term (strategic), Medium term (tactical)
Has spatial context
Non spatial
Has spatial scale
Forest level, Stand level
Has objectives dimension
Single objective
Has related DSS
Has goods and services dimension
Market wood products, Non-market services
Has decision making dimension
Single decision maker
Has forest management goal
biomass estimation, carbon sequestration, economic evaluation, forest fuel harvesting, forest inventory, yield prediction, wood supply planning
Supports tree species
dpending on input data
Supports silvicultural regime
even-aged, uneven-aged/natural regeneration, uneven-aged/plantation
Has typical use case
Forest management planning on enterprise level
Has user profile
forest owners associations, private legal entities (cooperatives / corporations / trusts / partnerships / condominium associations), public land managers (i.e. state-owned / federal / cantonal / communal forests), national forest administration, local communities
Has country
Austria, Germany, Slovakia
Has references about examples of application
Has number of users
Has number of real-life applications
Has utilisation in education
Has research project reference
Härtl F., Hahn A., Knoke T. 2013. Risk-sensitive planning support for forest enterprises: The YAFO model. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 94: 58-70.
Härtl F., Knoke T. 2014. The influence of the oil price on timber supply. Forest Policy and Economics. 39: 32–42.
Has tool dissemination